What are other people saying about Fred

Fred is universally well liked by his constituents and political colleagues and his bipartisan efforts have fostered mutual respect by the area's residents of all political persuasions. Under his leadership 98% of all votes on the Town Board have been unanimous. Below is a sampling of what various residents have said about Fred's leadership qualities.

"Fred Newlin was the first board member to say 'no' to a proposed 25% annual hike in garbage trucked here. Also under his leadership, the Town has been instrumental in thwarting an application to send another 6 million tons of toxic waste past our schools. Whether we become the nation's toxic dump will determine our future, and Fred is the only supervisor candidate we can rely on to protect that future."

- Amy Witryol, Lewiston resident

"No one can argue that Lewiston is stronger than ever, and is one of the premier communities in Western New York.  I am very happy to give my full endorsement for Mr. Newlin's re-election, and I hope that my fellow residents return him to office."

- Ed Evert, former Town Budget Officer

"In my opinion the town is being run just fine so join me in voting for Fred Newlin for supervisor because a vote for Newlin keeps the town just the way it is"

- Dan Kilmer, Republican and former Town Councilman

"I am urging my fellow Lewiston residents to vote for Fred Newlin tomorrow. Fred was the only elected leader in the state who reduced residential electric bills, saving Lewiston residents more than $5 million in 2 years. Lewiston residents continue to still pay less for electricity than anyone else in the County. Fred is also leading the fight against National Grid, who recently broke their contract with the Town. After decades of receiving nothing, Fred has secured more than $1.3 million in cash every year from the Power Authority for our roads, parks, and programs, more than any other Town in New York. Please re-elect Fred Newlin Town Supervisor thank you."

- Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte